
How Did The Industrial Revolution Change The Way People Worked?

Applied science has changed the globe in many ways, but possibly no menstruation introduced more changes than the 2nd Industrial Revolution. From the late 19th to early on 20th centuries, cities grew, factories sprawled and people'southward lives became regulated by the clock rather than the sun.

"It was a tremendous transformation of people'southward lives," says Joshua B. Freeman professor of history at Queens College and author of Behemoth: The Making of the Manufacturing plant and the Modern World.

Rapid advances in the creation of steel, chemicals and electricity helped fuel production, including mass-produced consumer goods and weapons. It became far easier to get around on trains, automobiles and bicycles. At the aforementioned fourth dimension, ideas and news spread via newspapers, the radio and telegraph. Life got a whole lot faster.

Mill Jobs Were Grueling

It was an era when industrial growth created a class of wealthy entrepreneurs and a comfortable center class supported by workers who were made upwards by immigrants and arrivals from America's farms and modest towns.

"People are coming from rural backgrounds who are used to self-directing their work, which is organized around the seasons and light," Freeman says. "Now they are working in a manufactory that is clock-regulated and unchanging."

For many, the shift from rural to factory life was grueling—especially for children.

When social activist Jane Addams threw a Christmas party at the grouping home she had only founded in Chicago's slums in 1889, she passed out processed to the impoverished girls who lived in that location. She was surprised when they refused. The girls said they worked long hours in a processed factory and couldn't stand the sight or smell of it.

"Nosotros discovered that for vi weeks they had worked from vii in the morn until nine at dark," Addams later wrote, "and they were exhausted also as satiated. The sharp consciousness of stern economic weather condition was thus thrust upon usa in the midst of the season of good will."

Manufactory Products Remade Life in America

The first factories were congenital in the 18th century, with British material mills that spread to the United States, a fourth dimension known as the Outset Industrial Revolution. So innovations in production line technology, materials science and industrial toolmaking fabricated it easier to mass produce all kinds of appurtenances that remade the American family and physical landscape.

Factories produced sewing machines for home utilize, steel girders for skyscrapers and railroad tracks that cut through the plains and mountains.

Long-distance transportation networks connected by rail, steamship and canals opened new markets for farmers, factory owners and bankers who could bring America's natural resources to a global market. For the kickoff time, goods from the American heartland could be shipped long distances, eliminating the demand for local bartering systems.

Black Diamond Express train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad in Pennsylvania, circa 1898.

Black Diamond Limited train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad in Pennsylvania, circa 1898.

Railroad Expansion Alters the U.S. Landscape

Railroads were largely responsible for this great burst of economic production, according to Richard White, a Stanford history professor and author of Railroaded (2001). The iron chariots besides inverse the homo and natural environment of the West, and of course led to conflicts with Native Americans who had lived in that location for generations.

Roll to Continue

"If a Western Rip Van Winkle had fallen asleep in 1869 and awakened in 1896, he would not have recognized the lands that the railroads had touched," White writes. "Bison had yielded to cattle; mountains had been blasted and bored. Great swaths of state that had one time whispered grass at present screamed corn and wheat."

Railroad lines expanded from 35,000 miles in 1865 to 254,000 miles in 1916. Nonetheless afterward World State of war I, the railroad would be replaced past the automobile. With his emphasis on vertical integration of parts and assembly line manufacturing, Henry Ford was its king. At its pinnacle, the Ford Motor Company factory in Michigan employed 40,000 workers under one big roof.

READ More than: The Cars That Fabricated America

While some historians quibble over the verbal purlieus between the First Industrial Revolution, that began in the mid-18th century, and the second, that started around the mid-19th century, a primary deviation is that the 2nd saw the get-go of mass production in manufacturing and consumer goods.

Cotton mill workers from Indianapolis, circa 1908.

Cotton mill workers from Indianapolis, circa 1908.

Household Goods No Longer Homemade

Household items like soap, butter and clothing that used to be fabricated at habitation started beingness made in factories as well. And factory workers—including women—and so had the money to buy these products.

At the same time, all kinds of goods became standardized for the showtime time, according to Priya Satia, professor of international history at Stanford University. For example, industrial standardization marked an development in the arms industry, says Satia, writer of Empire of Guns: The Making of the Industrial Revolution.

"You could produce all the parts of a gun and get together any set and brand a gun," Satia says. "The advantage is if you lot are out in the field and something goes wrong, someone tin send you that function and fix it without having to redo the entire gun."

READ MORE: The History of Firearms in the U.S.

The irresolute world of the Second Industrial Revolution also led to fears by social critics about the loss of freedom, autonomy and independence that is replaced by colorlessness, repetition and toil, according to Freeman. Early 20th-century films similar Fritz Lang's sci-fi dystopia "City" or Charlie Chaplin's assembly line comedy "Modern Times" capture this fear of the mill worker as a human robot.

"Ford is a great hero," Freeman says, "but the other side of the money is a nightmarish vision of the factory as Satan's province."

The 2nd Industrial Revolution ended merely before World War I, historians say. It has been followed past the Third Industrial Revolution in which digital communications technology and the cyberspace changed how we transmit information, do concern and collaborate with each other.

Some argue we are now entering a Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and biotechnology are changing our concepts of both life and consciousness. The trajectory of this phase of homo evolution must wait for hereafter historians to write.


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